Plywood is manufactured from logs, but the unique feature is that the wood-base panel is glued together using resin. This strengthens the wood panels, making them suitable for installing veneers on the surface. The glueing of the wooden boards strengthens the plywood and makes you find that panels can last a lifetime. Here are some things you can learn about the manufacturing of plywood when you visit

How is plywood made?

The base material for plywood is a tree, but unlike solid wood, you do not have to feel fully mature trees to make plywood. Once the trees are felled, the manufacturer follows these steps to ensure that the building material is made:

  • The logs are transported to a mill and placed in a log pond to ensure they retain moisture.Unlike solid wood, this ensures the plywood does not warp or bend over time and due to humidity.
  • The plywood manufacturing process starts once the logs are cut into the desired size. Soaking the logs in the pond makes cutting them into the necessary shapes easy.
  • The logs are usually peeled using a rotatory lathe. Plywood slicing can be of four types: rift, rotatory, quarter, and plain. The rotatory cut is usually preferred as it retains the granularity of the wooden log.
  • The thin slices of the logs are the base material of plywood, which will now be graded, dried, and checked for damage. 
  • Finally, the larger veneer pieces are checked and glued together using adhesive. The objective is to create a hardwood plywood that is resistant to damage. The veneers are placed in a hot mill press to strengthen the plywood.

The manufacturing of plywood consists of the following main steps: placing the log in the pond,log debarking, peeling the logs into veneers, drying the veneers, glueing theveneers together, pressing the veneers in a hot press, and plywood cutting. 

Why is the process of manufacturing plywood necessary?

You will find that plywood manufacturers can follow responsible forestry because the trees can be felled once they reach an essential maturity. Moreover, once the trees are felled, you can plant more to reach a similar maturity. Deforestation is not an issue with the manufacturing of plywood. In the case of solid wood, deforestation is an issue because the manufacturing of a single piece of furniture will require a fully grown tree. 

However, plywood furniture does not require a fully-grown tree. You can manufacture several boards of plywood and subsequently several pieces of furniture from a single tree. Thus, plywood manufacturing is more cost-effective than solid wood manufacturing, making furniture manufactured using plywood cheaper. It is also an eco-friendly solution. This makes plywood a better solution to make furniture in the long run.


The process for manufacturing plywood furniture is more scientific than that of other wooden products. If you visit, you will find that the manufacturer sells different types of plywood. You can choose any design and granularity ideal for your home and redecorate it cost-effectively.

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